Welcome to my website

Welcome to my virtual home and sorry about the mess!

This site was initially brought together rapidly to make my Computer Science Capstone available by using a WordPress template provided by the Blue Host website hosting service. The link to it is next to the owl below. 

This website will remain a work in progress since software development is continually evolving.
For now, check out my GitHub site at https://github.com/mchrysl/  
or check out my LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaret-chrysler-318a54104/

My Computer Science Capstone Link
This is my final project for the Computer Science degree from WGU using myBinder, Jupyter  Notebook, Python (Anaconda) and some of its associated data processing and visualization libraries (Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, etc).
**Note: even when this is working well the initial load is about 5-10 minutes long – and there are enough packages used it is quite often that something is out of date and therefore keeping the app from working.**

(The above link opens a new tab in mybinder.
Under the ‘View’ section of myBinder’s top menu,
select ‘Open Voila in new Browser Tab’ to run the application.)

My Brief

If you would like to bring on an ambitious work horse, look no further.

I am aiming to become a top-tier full-stack Java developer in the next five to 10 years. Java captured my interest back in the 90s with its new-to-me ability to run on multiple platforms through its JVM. It’s on-going evolution has maintained the language’s relevance through the many changes that have occurred in computing over the last few decades.

However, I’m also fascinated with the rapid shift we are currently seeing from desktop and laptop use to mobile device use by the average computer user. It is great to see how technologies can work together to make information more available and make life easier.

In the Gallery section of this site I have some of my photos.
I do enjoy taking pictures and enjoy sharing some of the images that I have been lucky enough to have captured.